Weatherization and Home Services

Weatherization is the modification of buildings and homes to become more energy efficient through conservation measures such as air sealing and adding insulation. All homes are analyzed with the "building as a system" diagnostic approach which examines the house as one working unit to ensure safety and maximize energy efficiency. Weatherization improvements create a more safe and comfortable living space as well as lower utility bills.

Benefits of Weatherization

    • Weatherizing your home saves an average of 10-20% of your energy use

    • Low-income families typically spend about 20% of their annual income on energy

    • A home that is weatherized increases in property value by increasing the longevity and durability of the home

    • Ensures safety of combustion appliances, checks carbon monoxide levels and installs detectors if needed

    • Potentially decreases fire hazards

    • Assesses mold, moisture, and indoor air quality and related illnesses

    • Cuts down on the energy demand which reduces air pollution

    • Increases access to cleaner energy sources for all residents, regardless of income


To qualify for the Weatherization Program, applicants must live in Kittitas County and meet certain income guidelines. This program is available to both homeowners and renters. 

Selection Process:

    • Weatherization projects are selected based on when you applied, the condition of the home, eligibility/priority status, and available funds. 

    • In Home Energy Assessment

      • The first step for weatherizing a home is an in-home energy assessment. HopeSource staff members will visit a client's home to discuss current energy usage and look for low-cost/no cost ways to cut back on bills. The home will then be evaluated for more weatherization services as well as the Healthy Homes Program. This program focuses on those with chronic respiratory illnesses or having mobility issues by improving the living conditions within the home.

    • Energy Audit

      • If the home is selected as a weatherization candidate, HopeSource auditors will return to do a technical and in–depth inspection using advanced tools such as the blower door (pictured below) and infrared camera to find air leakage, spot potential safety hazards, and pinpoint the best possible weatherization measures to create an individualized, safe, and efficient scope of work.

    • An initial assessment and an audit do not guarantee HopeSource will be able to work on your home. The condition of the home, cost efficiency, durability of the project, and health and safety issues play a large role in the decision-making process. 

Typical Measures

If HopeSource selects your home as a weatherization project there are a number of retrofits possible that can directly lower energy costs. These services are typically at no cost to the homeowner or renter. Some possible measures include:

  • Adding insulation to floors, attics, and walls

  • Sealing and insulating duct systems

  • Installing controlled ventilation

  • Weather-stripping doors

  • Caulking window and plumbing penetrations

  • Inspecting and upgrading heating systems