Whole Person Care is different
How we differ from traditional social service models:
Avoiding a housing only focus
We understand how interconnected the issues you face are.
Solving housing crises is critical and we strive to set people up so that once they are in housing, they can maintain it long-term and continue working towards self-sufficiency.
Warm hand off referrals to other providers
Our team provides a holistic approach to all care. We know that navigating social services can be overwhelming. Our care navigation team will walk beside you to ensure you have access and action plans with all other available service providers.
No program eligibility requirements
Program eligibility creates a barrier to entry for many services that is too narrow for those that need assistance. You can gain access to care navigation services even if you do not qualify for any current programs.
Long term stability management
Because our care does not end when you’ve received a particular form of assistance, we can walk with you long term to achieve your goals. Each person’s journey is unique, and we understand there is no timeframe for success. We will be here for as long as you need.
Client led service
The pace of progress is based on client contribution and participation in the program. All services depend on active collaboration and willingness to work toward change.